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A Simple, Low Cost, Yet Powerful Way to Build Employee Engagement

Most successful owners understand the value of employee engagement. Engaged employees are **enthusiastic about their job, work harder, stay longer, and deliver the best and most consistent guest experience**.

The single most important driver of engagement is feeling valued and appreciated.

A person who is appreciated will **always do more than expected**. Unfortunately, employees can go months, or even years without anyone recognizing their contributions to the team. And when employees don’t feel valued, they put in less effort, and the very best employees leave.

My simple guidance is this: don’t overlook the power of appreciation in your small business!! It makes good business sense!!

Here are some ways to make sure fire ways that your team feels valued and appreciated:

1. **Make recognition a priority**. It’s easy to let the day-to-day activities of the running a small business may distract you from recognizing employees. To make sure employees feel valued and appreciated, you need to commit to intentionally recognizing their contributions.

2. **Start looking**. Write out the things you want to recognize. Then, share that list with your fellow managers so they can be on the lookout too. The more eyes you have looking, the better your chances of not missing something.

3. **Say thank you immediately**. When employees go above and beyond, let them know that you notice right away by mentioning what they did and thanking them. If you wait too long, there’s a good chance you’ll forget. As time passes, a “thank you” is less powerful, so do it right away. Additionally, the more you look for opportunities to say thank you, pushes you into a mindset of deep gratitude! Trust me when I say, you too will be thankful!

4. **Praise them publicly**. It may be a little embarrassing at first and feel a bit strange, but people value being praised publicly. Not only does it boost the employee’s morale, but it tells everyone you’re actively watching what is expected and valued.

The simple act of recognition is considered **one of the greatest missed opportunities of leaders and manager**s.

Making your employees feel valued and appreciated is a **simple, low cost, yet very powerful way to build engagement**. Start by making a commitment to improve employee recognition in your small business today!

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