Are you feeling stagnated, stuck, or frustrated with your business?

You Don’t Know… What You Don’t Know

Are you trying to learn everything about everything in an effort to save money?

Sure, it’s tough to admit you need help but… if you continue being everything to everyone, you’ll burn out and resent your business. I see it all the time!

Years ago, when I was first starting my Small Business Advising business, I was in a conversation, with some fellow BNI members, about the importance of choosing a niche for your business rather than just saying, “I want to serve EVERYBODY.”

Of course, when we all first started out, we allllll need to make money! It’s so instinctive, that as small business owners, we often tell ourselves that it’s better to appeal to more people than a selective few.
But then, my mentor said to me, “Susan darling, do you want to be known as Walmart or do you want to be known as Neiman Marcus?” Well, she knew me VERY well and she also knew how I would answer this question, too!

Of course, Neiman Marcus!!

The point is Walmart appeals to everyone, but they depend on the sheer volume of customers to make their profit.

Whereas, Neiman Marcus appeals to a very specific demographic, which has the disposable income to spend and doesn’t think twice about a good investment!

So, Neiman Marcus can make the same profits as Walmart by serving a more selective customer base – quality over quantity is rule number one.

A similar argument can be made for why business owners should work with Small Business Advisors: Small business owners cannot possibly know EVERYTHING there is to know about Small Business as well as knowing everything about their chosen niche.

There’s just not enough time in the day and you’d stretch yourself too thin.

Owners are more focused on their Small Business niche (rightfully so) providing relevant services and products for their customers, whereas Small Business Advisors have a greater understanding of Small Business practices overall and work with businesses in many different niches.

If you’re trying to learn everything you can about efficient back-end processes, for example, you’re taking time away from your money-making marketing efforts to your niche/ideal clients, which most likely negatively affects your bottom line.
Your Small Business Advisor will happily advise you about the efficient back-end processes that are best for your small business PLUS help you implement them while you continue with your marketing efforts.

Think about large corporations.
Does the company president know everything there is to know about the inner workings of the company and the daily processes?

Probably not, that’s why there’s a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and other department heads; they focus on their own specialties and advise the president, who then makes decisions based on that input.
The same can be said about your company; you’re the president/CEO/Visionary of your Small Business and your Small Business Advisor can advise you about which steps will yield the most profits.

If you’re ready to work with a Small Business Advisor, I’ve got some openings in my calendar for new clients so connect with me to book your discovery call.

If you’re ready, for an honest, no-strings-attached, call to get you & your business moving forward, then let’s do this together!

Click here to submit a question online or call us directly at 603-488-2130.

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