Contact Information:
Terzakis & Associates, LLC
173 South River Road, Suite 3
Bedford, NH 03110
Contact: Ms. Jessica-Leigh Terzakis, Program Director
A Seat at the Table: Celebrating 20 Years of Female Leadership**
**Manchester, New Hampshire, May 11, 2018**
On May 11th, Ms. Susan-Anne Terzakis of Terzakis & Associates took part in and was a featured panelist with the key topic being “**Sell Your Superpowers**”, which was moderated by **Kristin Mendoza, Bernstein Shur, P.A.**
Ms. Terzakis was both pleased and honored to have joined and celebrated not only the accomplishments of the NH-WBA over the past 20 years but also the accomplishments and future advancement of women in the legal community and in our state overall. In celebration of its 20th anniversary, the NHWBA was proud to hold a half-day symposium featuring and **celebrating female leadership on May 11, 2018 at the Puritan Conference Center in Manchester, NH.
The symposium offered attendees the chance to attend breakout sessions on **“seizing a seat at the table,” along with featuring panels of some of New Hampshire’s prominent female attorneys and business leaders.
The event will culminate in a formal seated lunch, featuring Heather Hubbard as the Keynote Speaker. **Heather Hubbard is a nationally-known attorney, speaker, author, and strategic advisor, and host of her successful weekly podcast, Hustle & Flo**w. Her Keynote will provide unfiltered, authentic, and inspiring advice about success in the legal industry as a female leader, and will be the highlight of the event.
About Terzakis & Associates, Small Business Advisory:
At our core, we’re small business advisors, and it’s our advisory approach that sets us apart from every other business coaching practice out there. We have built a process and team of Associates to ensure your success! Our clients develop a comprehensive strategy that attracts new clients and jumpstarts business growth. **Terzakis & Associates** clients range from small business owners, and non-profit organizations to Fortune 500 companies all over the world.