Are you feeling stagnated, stuck, or frustrated with your business?

Goal Setting Determines the Path to Success

_In Alice in Wonderland, Alice encounters a Cheshire cat sitting in a tree. She asks the cat, “Which path should I take to get out of here?” The cat asks, “Which way are going?” Alice replies, “I don’t know.” The cat says, “ Well, then, any path will take you there.”_

No Direction Means Nowhere, it’s just that simple…

Unfortunately, many businesses and organizations will take any path without direction and end up spinning their wheels. These businesses cannot achieve the success they want because they don’t know where they are going. Goals are important because they provide direction.

An unknown businessperson once said, “In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.” Without goals, it is very hard and frustrating for your company to get where you want it to go. Your goals will define the path and your company will be on the road to success.

Good Leadership is All About Goal Setting

We all understand the value of setting goals. In _Fail Safe Leadership_, Linda L. Martin and Dr. David G. Mutchler note that “we are goal seekers by nature, but we are not goal setters by habit or design.” Also, the human tendency is toward negativity in the face of change or hardship. Organizations need a process to make sure the defined results do happen. It is easy to set goals, but achieving goals doesn’t happen in spite of everyone’s best intentions. According to Martin and Mutchler, the organization needs to implement a goal-setting and goal-achievement process.

The goals achievement process begins with the formulation of clear goals. Martin and Mutchler suggest using the SMART system

A Five-Step Plan for Goal Setting

In _Fail Safe Leadership, Martin and Mutchler suggest using the following to help you set and achieve your goals:
1. Goals can come from any number of sources:
– Result of identifying a problem to be solved
– Personal goals related either to work or nonwork life
– Team related goals
2. Spell out the rewards or benefits for achieving this goal, followed by the negative consequences if the goal is not met.
3. List every possible obstacle that might be in the way of achieving the goal.
4. List the possible solutions that could be used to achieve the goal.
5. Determine your action plan: Who does what by when


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