Are you feeling stagnated, stuck, or frustrated with your business?

Coaching Business Makeovers: It’s Time for a Change

When is the last time you changed the theme on your website? Changed your headshots? Rewrote your “About” page?

If the answer to any of those is **more than a year ago**, then listen up, this is for you! Because big advisory, coaching, and professional services paychecks require more than a fancy sales page and an email pitch.

If you want to attract high-end clients, you should look and act the part.

Headshots Done Right

We all looked better ten years ago, but that’s no excuse for using old, outdated or, heaven forbid, amateur headshots.

When you’re selling advisory, coaching, and professional services that range into the five figures, looking professional is critical, and that starts with great headshots.

Hire a photographer who specializes in portraits for speakers, advisors, coaching, and professional services consultants. Expect to spend a few thousand dollars (or more) for a selection of high-resolution images you can use in all your marketing materials, including on your website for at least 3-4 years out.

We did this and wow have they served us well.

Get Your Website Redone

Speaking of websites, if you’re still using the same theme you designed yourself (and you know who you are!!) it’s now time for a new look.

While you can say that potential clients should not judge you by the way your site looks, the bold truth is…**they will**. So, get over it and find a way to get this done soon!! A clean, modern website will work wonders to improve your credibility and start attracting the ideal clients you want to work with!

While you’re at it, take some time to solicit new testimonials. Don’t just load them all up on a single page though.

Take the best ones and add them to your sales page, put them in your email newsletters, and include them in your lead-gen materials as well.

Don’t forget your “About” page, either. Funny enough, this one is hard for most people, so it’s a good idea to have someone else write this, or at least have a copy writer revise the one you wrote. Remember to include your most recent accomplishments, any awards or accolades, your speaking engagements, and anything else that lets people know you’ve got what it takes to help them grow. Include a few personal details as well, so readers will feel as if they know you just little better for having read it.

Lastly, remember to update your social media profiles as well. **LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter** and others have a long reach, so you want to ensure that no matter where potential clients find you, **the information is consisten**t and professional.

Getting new headshots and making over your website might feel like a waste of time, but the truth is, **people do judge a book by its cover**, and you often only have a second or two to make an impression.
Make sure it’s the best one you can make.

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