Are you feeling stagnated, stuck, or frustrated with your business?

The Secret Weapon of High-Achievers

High achievers– in the online world, corporate world, and on Main Street in your community – generally have (very) positive attitudes, they know how to take action, and they know how to ask for help! They are also not afraid to bring in an Advisor or Coach to help them improve their leadership and planning skills.
That’s a promise!

Who wants to be around pessimistic people?

Having pessimistic coworkers is bad but having a business owner or department head who is constantly finding fault in other people’s work or who is always pessimistic about project outcomes is a sure way to send morale plummeting.
Luckily a mindset coach can help a pessimist turn their negative thoughts into positive thoughts.

Taking action is not necessarily an inborn trait but it’s certainly a skill that can be learned. High achievers don’t reach their level of success by overthinking their business plans or by waiting for opportunities to present themselves. Those are quick ways to stall your business.

Instead, high earners learn to develop the confidence to make smart decisions and take committed action without overthinking or asking for approval. Developing that confidence is something an Advisor can help her client achieve.

Knowing one’s limits and knowing when to ask for help is evident when a high earner decides to hire an Advisor or Coach for an employee.

They know they need help, they see the value in hiring help, and they find a solution instead of wallowing in their misery, complaining about how they can’t get anything done.

Even corporate CEOs will hire executive coaches to help them with presentation skills, negotiating skills, and even creating their path to the next great job opportunity.

How to Hire an Advisor or Coach

If you know you want to hire an Advisor or Coach to help you reach high achiever status, it’s time to set up an interview process. Anybody can call themselves a “coach” and it’s basically an unregulated field, so doing your due diligence is absolutely required.

First, consult your local business network or mastermind groups to ask for recommendations.
While these recommendations come in, create your own list of traits you want in your ideal Advisor or Coach.

Here is a list of five questions to ask yourself when choosing a coach…

1. How do you want them to treat you?
2. Do you want a full-of-energy coach or one who is more laid back?
3. How quickly do you want to work toward your goals?
4. Does your chosen coach move at the same pace?
5. Do you want someone local so you can work face to face or is a virtual coach alright?

After you receive your recommendations and have done your own research, it’s time to interview them.

Don’t just hire the first person who has an opening.

Just like you would hire an employee, put the same care and consideration into hiring a coach. You want someone who is interested in your goals, who has the time and desire to work with you and who has a vested interest in seeing you succeed.

Once you find your ideal Advisor or Coach, it’s time to get down to work!

If you need help becoming a high-achiever, call us at 603-488-2130 for an interview or discovery call.

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