Are you feeling stagnated, stuck, or frustrated with your business?

Stay in Your Own Lane… please

This is a topic I often speak on to my clients about – since overwhelm is a real thing in online businesses.
There is always more that could be done. Repeat: ALWAYS.

More products to create, more blogs to write, more opt-in pages to build, more clients to connect with, more, more, more. Oh yea, and some more.

Perhaps one of the biggest contributors? Come on, say it with me: **SQUIRLE**!

Maybe you know it better as the “_**shiny object syndrome**_.”

Every time you are tempted to buy that new, must-have tool or fancy solution, or it was to test out that new (shiny) marketing method, or better yet – yes let’s switch business models entirely; my simple reply to it all is this: … **you’re falling victim to these business killers**.

Here’s the problem with shiny object syndrome.

It prevents you from achieving real measurable success by shifting your focus away just when you’re about to hit your sweet spot.

It’s true.

I’ve seen it happen time and time again. A promising startup just begins to make sales and gain a following, and then out of the blue, the owner does a pivot into a completely unrelated niche or business.

All that work… Pooooof, just like that – gone. Uggggg.
Oh, I plead with you: don’t let this happen to you.

Better yet – together, let us try the following, okay?
**Set Clear Goals**

The first step toward the clarity and focus you need in order to avoid shiny object syndrome is to simply know what your goals, both personally and professionally. Try be asking the following…

Where exactly are you going?

Do you want to build a six-figure coaching program?

Earn a living from your blog?

Design websites for offline businesses?

Regardless of what your business model is currently – if you don’t know your goal, you will ALWAYS struggle with focus, and every new strategy and tool will pull you further away from your dreams.

**Commit to a Plan **

As we often say: _pick a horse and ride it_!
Before you implement a new marketing strategy, change business plans, or even purchase a new tool, ask yourself **Are you truly willing to give it a fair shot at success**.

**Marketing strategies take time to pick up traction.**

Business models can require YEARS to show a profit.
And that shiny new tool won’t earn back its cost if you toss it aside next week for something different.
So, please, be realistic with yourself, and make a plan to give your idea the best shot at success.
Make a commitment to yourself and your business.

**Put on Your Blinders**

If all else fails, simply stop paying attention and here is how you can do just that:

Get off the mailing lists (opt out) that endlessly promote the latest and greatest ideas.
Stop reading the blogs and visiting the Facebook groups. [Come on, you know you do it!]

If this is truly you, start to slowly wean yourself off by cutting the session time down by half if viewed during the business week.

Don’t click on ads. There, now doesn’t that feel better.
Focus on what you know works (MGA’s), keep your goals in mind (KPI’s), and simply (re)commit to making your business as good as it can possibly be…
You can do this, truly you can!

**Terzakis & Associates** is one of the fastest growing small business advisory and group program developers in the micro-small business arena today.
Be sure to get your inside access to Terzakis & Associates by visiting their website and sign up for their events, programs, blogs and newsletters [here](

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