Are you feeling stagnated, stuck, or frustrated with your business?

  Efficiency is the Key to be known as a Stress-Free Business

Who doesn’t love automation? **_Ummm, yes please!_**

**Shopping carts** and **membership sites** automate your sales and content delivery.
**Email autoresponders** automate relationship building. Additionally, **calendar apps** automate your schedule, putting an end to the frustrating back and forth of setting appointments.

Not only does automation _save you time_, but it helps ensure quality and consistency as well.
Again, yes please and then some!!

Just imagine how confusing it would be to your customers if you didn’t have a shopping cart, but instead sent them an invoice for every purchase, and each invoice was a different cost.
Better yet, what if your 16-week group coaching course sometimes arrived by email, and sometimes in your Facebook group, and sometimes not at all?

Uggg. These are alllll avoidable costly missteps. Now these might seem like silly or even over-the-top examples, but here my ultimate point:
THIS is why automation tools exist: **_to keep everything running smoothly and as expected_**.
Okay, so you may be asking: _Could I automate everything?_
The short answer is no.
However, you can implement this same level of efficiency and consistency by creating systems and workflows.

**Document Everything**

What would happen if your project manager or executive VA were no longer able to work? Could you easily (and quickly) train someone else to take over?

For far too many small business owners, the answer to that question is a definitive hell NO. When all the instructions for completing a task reside only in one person’s head, you’ve set yourself up for a big hot mess!

Sure, in the event that someone becomes ill or wins the lottery, you would probably recover, but how long would that take? Remember love, _time = dime_!! Down time can be costly. Rather than risk struggling with logins and procedures, make it a point to **document** every task in your business, from how you manage your email to how a new product is launched.

That way, if your best VA or team member decides to elope with her Prince Charming, another team member can step in and cover for them with less disruption.

**Seek Out More Efficient Systems**

Just because grandma always kneaded her bread by hand doesn’t mean that’s still the best way to do things today.
Now that new stand mixer takes all the work out of bread making, while still keeping the flavor in.

Where can you make your business more efficient, while still keeping the personality and brand your clients love and trust?


• A hosted help desk solution with “canned responses” to the most common questions. Click a button and answer in seconds instead of typing out a 3-paragraph response.

• Document templates ensure everything is formatted in a way that matches your brand, and will save you hours on every worksheet, resource guide, and even sales pages and blog posts.

• Duplicate your repeatable projects inside your project management system, change the dates and key details, and instead of spending 30 minutes assigning tasks to your team, you’ll spend 30 seconds.

It might also be time to upgrade your tools, most likely yes to this, if what you’re using is no longer as efficient as it could be.

For example, if your autoresponder can’t move customers from one email funnel to another based on their behavior, you’re missing out on sales!!

Consider upgrading to Active Campaign, Ontraport or even Keap, which we use (aka Infusionsoft) to make your sales process more automated.

Take a look at your business and the many tasks you and your team perform every hour and every single day and simply ask:

_”Where can you be more efficient?” _

_What tools would help you maximize your time?_

Making changes in these areas will add hours of money generating time to your day, and greatly reduce your overwhelm and stress levels as well.

I rarely make promises, so take note: I can promise you this, the more you do what is offered above, the less overwhelm and stress will

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