Are you feeling stagnated, stuck, or frustrated with your business?


Author: Susan Terzakis

Is your offer drool worthy?

You create programs that have all the technical pieces…a snappy name, a “just right” price point, and a marketing plan to fill it.

But even with having everything “technically” right, there’s a missing piece of the puzzle to creating a winning, profitable idea.

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Are Vanity Metrics Weighing You Down?

Have you ever felt burdened by what other people see to be doing with their businesses, like you’re supposed to be doing the same thing?
Here’s the truth: we can’t really know what goes on behind the scenes in a business or how well they’re doing in terms of what really matters, which is actual profits. Usually all we can see is an external presentation…vanity metrics.

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Pivoting to the Path of Least Resistance

A few weeks ago, Jessica and I were traveling home from a trip to Denver. Always sticklers for preparation, we’d checked in online the night before and arrived at the airport at least 2-hours ahead of our flight. That way, we’d have plenty of time to spare.
Or so we thought.

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