Want to Stay Afloat in the Sea of New Regulations?
If you’re also feeling confused, overwhelmed, or anxious, know this: You’re not alone! Read on for our take on it – you’ll be glad you did!
Are you feeling stagnated, stuck, or frustrated with your business?
If you’re also feeling confused, overwhelmed, or anxious, know this: You’re not alone! Read on for our take on it – you’ll be glad you did!
With 260 million monthly active users, LinkedIn may seem like your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Who wouldn’t want the opportunity to sell their product or
With business relationships, you just never know who you’ll meet that will possibly send you your most lucrative client, so growing your network steadily and consistently makes good business sense.
However, if you think blasting **LinkedIn** users with connection requests is the way to go, put the brakes on your plans and rethink your strategy. Here’s some well-researched advice:
You know you need to outsource. It’s the only path to scale. The question is, where to start?
Right here…
More visibility for you. More people served. More income generated for your business.
Automation = Stress Free
Okay, so you may be asking: Could I automate everything? Well…
the short answer is no.
However, you can implement this same level of efficiency and consistency by creating systems and workflows and here’s how…
I’ve seen it happen time and time again.
A promising start-up just begins to make sales, gains market share and then… as if out of the blue, the owner does a pivot into a completely unrelated niche or business?!?
All that work – – GONE!!
Let’s agree to not do that.
Rather together, let us try the following steps…
In an ideal world, you’d simply put on your CEO hat and delegate, but here in the real world of small business, we don’t always have that option… so here’s what you can do…
There comes a time in every entrepreneurial venture where you realize you simply cannot do it all yourself. Sure, when you’re just getting started you really are the “chief, cook and bottle washer.” But as your business grows…
Have you ever noticed that everything you need to know about a news story is in the first paragraph? Think about this… more than 50% of the time, there is a big juicy hook buried in your copy!
Ugggg -hate when that happens. So check out our quick fix suggestions…